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Boxing, Kickboxing lessons.


Kickboxing is a martial arts sport that originated in the 1960s. It is subdivided into American kickboxing (full contact, full contact with low kick, seven-contact, light contact, kick-light), Japanese kickboxing ( K-1 format ), solo compositions (musical forms). In a broad sense, kickboxing is sometimes understood as various percussion martial arts, the rules of which allow punches and kicks using boxing gloves

Boxing is a contact sport , martial arts , in which athletes strike each other with their fists in special gloves. The referee supervises the fight, which lasts up to 12 rounds. Victory is awarded if the opponent is knocked down and cannot get up within ten seconds ( knockout ) or if he is injured, which does not allow the fight to continue (technical knockout). If, after the set number of rounds, the fight has not been terminated, the winner is determined by the judges' marks.

The earliest evidence of such competitions is captured even on the Sumerian , Egyptian and Minoan reliefs . Boxing-like fist fighting tournaments were held in Ancient Greece . Boxing truly became a combat sport in 688 BC. e., when fistfights were first included in the program of the ancient Olympic Games . Modern boxing originated in England at the beginning of the 18th century


MMA - from the English. Mixed Martial Arts) - martial arts (often incorrectly called "fighting without rules"), which is a combination of many techniques, schools and areas of martial arts. MMA is a full contact fight using striking techniques and wrestling both in a standing position (clinch) and on the floor ( parterre ). The term "Mixed Martial Arts" was coined in 1995 by Rick Blum, president of Battlecade, one of the earliest MMA organizations, and has since found steady use in non-English speaking countries.

The origins of MMA go back to BC: even the ancient Greeks at the first Olympic Games competed in pankration ,

Despite the fact that early competitions had a minimum of rules, due to the criticism of the sport as a “carnage”, promoters introduced additional restrictions to improve the safety of athletes and attract new spectators. Thanks to these efforts, modern MMA is one of the fastest growing sports.

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